Friday, 24 January 2014

What to include in the pitch

The Pitch • What genre im doing • What is my splash, main focus of the magazine • What can I offer…. Free things • Whos it for, what are the benefits, • Name of the magazine why does it work - 5 differnt magazine front covers pick their fave • Typical reader • Brand name • Mood board – collection of images, colours, pop stars, • Audience feedback • Potential dps • Final idea

What is the Function of a magazine

Thursday, 23 January 2014

Technical skills that I developed during the construction of my prelim task

Technical skills that I developed during the construction of my prelim task

   • I used my own camera which is a canon 600D to take the photo of Emily on the front cover. I      learned to get a clear image with a good clear background.

       • I used serif page plus to create the front cover of my school magazine.

·         I learned how to take the photo and manipulate it to make it fit and look good on the front cover

·         I also used photoshop to get rid of some of the background which I did not want in the photo

- Main image covers the whole front cover
- Must include the issue number
- I learned how to add text to the magazine and you must include a title
- Must include Date
-Learnt how to add different shapes to create depth to the magazine
-Must include a barcode
- What it includes in the magazine on the front
Contents Page

- contents will say everything what is in the magazine with page numbers
- pictures must be included
- subcription
- competitions


Technical skills that I developed during the construction and marketing of my swede

Technical skills that I developed during the construction and marketing of my swede

·         I used my own camera which is a canon 600D. I learned how to use my camera in more depth.

·         I used Prezi to create a presentation for my swede and research for it. I learned how to create and choose different themes and templates to make my presentation look better. Prezi is more advanced than PowerPoint so I learned different tools to make my organisation better.

·         I used serif to create a poster for my swede. I learned how to make and change the font, apply a photo on to serif and manipulate it, changed the colour scheme and made it what I wanted it to be and got an idea of how to layout a poster and know what looks good and what does not.

·         I used final cut pro to edit my swede. I learned how to get the videos from the camera on the software, I learned how to take the videos apply them to final cut pro and put them in the order I want them to run, I also had to cut some of the video to make it shorter and also I learned how to use transitions to make it run smoothly.

·         I learned how to upload work and videos ect. To blogger

·         I learnt the importance of social networking and how big of an impact it makes on what you are trying to get out to everyone

·         I learned how to use serif movie+ to make my animatronic story board

·         I learned how to scan my images on a Epson scanner and apply it to serif movie+