Friday, 28 February 2014

DPS draft 1

Mrs D comments on Contents page

things I have to do:

1. rethink layout
2. no more pictures at bottom include something else
3. group contents

contents page draft 1


Mrs D comments on front cover draft 1

Things i need to think about:

1. rethink about where my branding is
2. more picture at the bottom of the page to make it look more full
3. barcode more smaller
4. issue, date, cost needs to be in a different place
5. side storys the writing needs to be more clear

first draft of the front cover


Wednesday, 12 February 2014

Mrs D

All your posts look detailed and you have made a really good start to the process. Make sure your mes of your images match the genre and most mag front covers use mid shots / medium close ups. Keep up the good work.

Genre Indicators

How can I tell my magazine is a pop magazine? • The title of my magazine = Pop talk • The artists I use on the front and within the magazine • Colour scheme is very girly = pinks and blues • I will include make up, beauty tips • Competitions relevant to the genre • My ‘artist’ who’s on the front will attract the female attention

Advertisers To Approach

Tuesday, 11 February 2014

Regular Ideas

I will be including in every magazine each fortnight a free download of a pop song which is in the charts at the moment, I will also have Exclusive competitions, interviews with celebs and various other atrists, exclusive pictures which have never been seen before, a problem page, in each mag whoever is on the front cover a lucky winner will get to come and meet them as we take the shoot of him or her.

Features Idea

My main feature will be with a new upcoming artsist called Sam Llyod, this will be his first interview ever with a magazine and he will talk about his personal life, what are his dreams and aspirations and his love for music. I will aslo feature competitons, beauty tips, make up, posters of various Artists.

Magazine Name And Slogan

Aspirations Of My Target Audience

My target audience aspirations would be:

  1. Be famous
  2. Go out partying
  3. Getting Married
  4. Getting a job
  5. Get a boyfreind
  6. In to fashion
  7. In to make up

Qualities of Target Audience You Want To Reflect

My target audience qualties i think would involve is:
  1. Painting Nails
  2. Gossiping
  3. Hair
  4. Make Up
  5. Boys
  6. Out going
  7. Twitter/Facebook
  8. Music
  9. Fun
  10. Party girl

Location of photos taken

I took my images in the studio at school

Monday, 10 February 2014

Audeince Feedback From My Pitch

Audience Feedback From My Pitch

I did my pitch and told the class about what my ideas were for my magazine and the response I got was very positive but I did have to go back and think about a few things.

·        “Love the moodboard”

·        “I like the name of your magazine I think its clever”

·        “Your colour scheme fits well with your target audience”

·        “Maybe you should think about your target audience age as it is a big gap so maybe you should make the age a bit younger”

·        “The idea of having an exclusive interview is a good idea”

·        “You need to think how you are going to market you magazine and distribute it”

Audience Feedback On My Images

Audience Feedback On My Images

“Great Quality”

“I like how you have actually taken the photos in a studio”

“I think some of the images will be prefect for a front cover and double page spread”

“I think maybe you should of got some close ups than all mid-shots and his whole body”

“I would buy the magazine if he was on the front”

“I think his fashion sense is great so makes me like him so would want to buy the magazine to know about him”

Audience Feedback On My Magazine

Audience Feedback On My Magazine

Audenice Feedback On My Magazine - Questionnaire

Questionnaire – Audience Feedback

1.     What title of magazine do you prefer?

Pop talk    Top Pop     The only way is pop    Pop Universe

18                8                  1                                    3
2.     What catches your eye the most to buy a magazine?

Colours    Artists    Articles    Posters    Comps    Other

3                  15          9               2               1                0

3.     Would you prefer to have a male of female on the front?

Female     Male

0                 30

4.     My colour scheme is Pink and Blue do you think that matches with my target audience?

Yes     No

27         3

5.     What articles would interest you?

Exclusive Interviews     Upcoming Artists     Personal Life/Secrets     Other

10                                     7                                 11                                        2

6.     How much will you be willing to pay for a magazine?

£1.00 -£1.50    £1.50 - £2.00    £2.00 - £2.50    £2.50 - £3.00

3                         8                          9                         10

7.     Do you think including free items in my magazine will make it sell better?

Yes    No

22       8

8.     What name would you prefer my artist to be called?

Sam Lucas    Sam Cannon   Sam Lloyd    Sam Hutchings

5                     7                       14                  4

9.     Do you think my mood board fits in with my magazine genre and target audience?

Yes     No

29        1

10.  Would you buy my pop magazine?

Yes     No

30          0

The Pitch

Test Shots and Potentionally Final Shots 3

Test Shots and Potentionally Final Shots 2

Test Shots and Potentionally Final Shots